What we propose

Transforming the future requires an urgent call to action: a yearly World Pregnancy Day will be a platform to showcase transformations in the field of Prenatal Well-being. To be aware of prenatal life’s relevance needs to become a fundamental human right in order to build a more sustainable, inclusive and peaceful world. Let’s generate a debate around how to better construct and strengthen prenatal awareness: prenatal health must be acknowledged as a public responsibility, a common good, to unlock the human potential in every person.


Nowadays, most pregnant women undergo a series of check-ups in which they are advised on what to eat and how to exercise, to which we would add:

Prenatal Science and Education

It is paramount in today’s world that parents are educated and informed about the importance of pregnancy for the formation of human qualities. It is their right! Prenatal science and education need to be taught from preschool to college, and couples should prepare for this transition and for their new parenting roles.


Stress management

Classes for stress managment could include nurturing activities for both mom and baby, such as yoga, mindfulness, tai chi, choir singing, painting, dancing, massage.

Deepen the mother-baby bond

Classes to deepen mother-baby bond through verbal as well as silent communication – mothers can envision the kind of human being they want to bring into this world, thus directly orienting their children’s development, stating even before conception. Such understanding contributes to a re-patterning and a re-parenting of themselves and brings up the best in them.

Psychological counseling

Psychotherapy and circle of women should also be available when more support is needed. Helping pregnant mothers to share experiences among themselves, thus healing past trauma and decreasing the rates of illnesses. In these moments illumined by consciousness, pregnant couples can talk among themselves about some of their issues, what they know about their pre and perinatal imprints, and how that has influence them.


Dealing with labor possible discomfort and pain

Pain during labor varies widely from woman to woman and even from pregnancy to pregnancy. Woman should have the possibility to learn how to use different techniques to increase comfort levels and coping with pain. Such methods can be: rhythmic or deep breathing, hypnosis, birthing/exercise ball, acupuncture or acupressure. Women should have free access to evidence-based information to help decision making in all childbirth stages.

Breastfeeding classes

Taking a group or private breastfeeding class will allow women to get individualized attention and have their questions addressed. An in-person demonstration of proper techniques from a lactation consultant will help ease any doubts, increase breastfeeding comfort and success, besides alleviating any stress that can come with this new life journey.